Summer on Blossom Street
(OverDrive Read)
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Debbie Macomber. (2012). Summer on Blossom Street. MIRA.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Debbie Macomber. 2012. Summer On Blossom Street. MIRA.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Debbie Macomber, Summer On Blossom Street. MIRA, 2012.
MLA Citation (style guide)Debbie Macomber. Summer On Blossom Street. MIRA, 2012.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- bioText: Debbie Macomber is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and a leading voice in women's fiction worldwide. Her work has appeared on every major bestseller list, with more than 170 million copies in print, and she is a multiple award winner. The Hallmark Channel based a television series on Debbie's popular Cedar Cove books. For more information, visit her website,
- name: Debbie Macomber
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- publishDate
- 2012-06-15T00:00:00Z
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- Summer on Blossom Street
- fullDescription
Knitting and Life
They're both about beginnings—and endings. That's why Lydia Goetz, owner of A Good Yarn on Seattle's Blossom Street, offers a class called Knit to Quit. It's for people who want to quit something—or someone!—and start a new phase of their lives.
First to join is Phoebe Rylander, who's trying to get over a man. Alix Turner and her husband want a baby, so she has to quit smoking. And Bryan Hutchinson needs a way to deal with the stress of running his family's business.
Then there's Lydia's friend Anne Marie Roche. She and her adopted daughter, Ellen, have finally settled into a secure and happy routine—when a stranger appears asking questions.
Meanwhile, Lydia and her husband, Brad, have their hands full with the angry, defiant twelve-year-old who unexpectedly becomes their foster child....
But when your life—and your stitches—get snarled, your friends can always help!
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- 534909
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- 1195
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- value: Romance
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- 06/15/2012
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- shortDescription
Knitting and Life
They're both about beginnings—and endings. That's why Lydia Goetz, owner of A Good Yarn on Seattle's Blossom Street, offers a class called Knit to Quit. It's for people who want to quit something—or someone!—and start a new phase of their lives.
First to join is Phoebe Rylander, who's trying to get over a man. Alix Turner and her husband want a baby, so she has to quit smoking. And Bryan Hutchinson needs a way to deal with the stress of running his family's business.
Then there's Lydia's friend Anne Marie Roche. She and her adopted daughter, Ellen, have finally settled into a secure and happy routine—when a stranger appears asking questions.
Meanwhile, Lydia and her husband, Brad, have their hands full with the angry, defiant twelve-year-old who unexpectedly becomes their foster child....
But when your life—and your stitches—get snarled, your friends can always help!
- sortTitle
- Summer on Blossom Street
- crossRefId
- 240618
- classifications
- series
- Blossom Street
- awards
- source: Romantic Times BOOKreviews Magazine
- value: Romantic Times Career Achievement Award Winner
- source: The New York Times
- value: The New York Times Best Seller List
- publisher
- bisacCodes
- code: FIC027000
- description: Fiction / Romance / General
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