The Shop on Blossom Street
(OverDrive Read)
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Debbie Macomber. (2013). The Shop on Blossom Street. MIRA Books.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Debbie Macomber. 2013. The Shop On Blossom Street. MIRA Books.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Debbie Macomber, The Shop On Blossom Street. MIRA Books, 2013.
MLA Citation (style guide)Debbie Macomber. The Shop On Blossom Street. MIRA Books, 2013.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- fileAs: Macomber, Debbie
- bioText: Debbie Macomber is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and a leading voice in women's fiction worldwide. Her work has appeared on every major bestseller list, with more than 170 million copies in print, and she is a multiple award winner. The Hallmark Channel based a television series on Debbie's popular Cedar Cove books. For more information, visit her website,
- name: Debbie Macomber
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- publishDate
- 2013-05-01T00:00:00Z
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- title
- The Shop on Blossom Street
- fullDescription
Four lives knit together...
There's a little yarn store in Seattle called A Good Yarn. It's owned by Lydia Hoffman, and it represents her dream of a new beginning, a life free from cancer. A life that offers a chance at love...
Lydia teaches knitting to beginners, and the first class is How to Make a Baby Blanket. Three women join. Jacqueline Donovan disapproves of the woman married to her only son, but knitting a baby blanket would be a gesture of reconciliation.
For Carol Girard, the baby blanket brings a message of hope as she and her husband make a final attempt to conceive.
And tough-looking Alix Townsend (that's Alix with an i) is learning to knit her blanket for a court-ordered community service project.
These four very different women, brought together by the age-old craft of knitting, make unexpected discoveries--about themselves and each other. Discoveries that lead to friendship and acceptance, to laughter and dreams. Discoveries only women can share...
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- 2026
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- value: Romance
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- 05/01/2013
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- shortDescription
Four lives knit together...
There's a little yarn store in Seattle called A Good Yarn. It's owned by Lydia Hoffman, and it represents her dream of a new beginning, a life free from cancer. A life that offers a chance at love...
Lydia teaches knitting to beginners, and the first class is How to Make a Baby Blanket. Three women join. Jacqueline Donovan disapproves of the woman married to her only son, but knitting a baby blanket would be a gesture of reconciliation.
For Carol Girard, the baby blanket brings a message of hope as she and her husband make a final attempt to conceive.
And tough-looking Alix Townsend (that's Alix with an i) is learning to knit her blanket for a court-ordered community service project.
These four very different women, brought together by the age-old craft of knitting, make unexpected discoveries--about themselves and each other. Discoveries that lead to friendship and acceptance, to laughter and dreams....
- sortTitle
- Shop on Blossom Street
- crossRefId
- 131551
- classifications
- series
- Blossom Street
- awards
- source: Romantic Times BOOKreviews Magazine
- value: Romantic Times Career Achievement Award Winner
- publisher
- MIRA Books
- bisacCodes
- code: FIC027000
- description: Fiction / Romance / General
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