Judy Moody, Mood Martian
(Kindle Book, OverDrive Read)
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Level 3.6, 2 Points
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Megan McDonald. (2014). Judy Moody, Mood Martian. Candlewick Press.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Megan McDonald. 2014. Judy Moody, Mood Martian. Candlewick Press.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Megan McDonald, Judy Moody, Mood Martian. Candlewick Press, 2014.
MLA Citation (style guide)Megan McDonald. Judy Moody, Mood Martian. Candlewick Press, 2014.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- keywords
- value: Humor
- value: funny story
- value: 3rd Grade
- value: Third Grade
- value: childrens book
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- value: Judy Moody
- value: funny books
- value: realistic fiction
- value: funny books for kids
- value: Funny Kids Books
- value: middle grade fiction
- value: school story
- value: books for kids 5-7
- value: books for 8 year old boys
- value: books for 9 year old boys
- value: books for 8 year old girls
- value: books for 9 year old girls
- value: books for 7 year old boys
- value: kids books ages 6-8
- value: martian book
- value: good mood
- value: opposite day
- value: Ivy and Bean
- value: judy moody books
- creators
- role: Author
- fileAs: McDonald, Megan
- bioText:
"Sometimes I think I am Judy Moody," says Megan McDonald, author of the wildly popular Judy Moody series, the Stink books, and the Sisters Club trilogy. "I'm certainly moody, like she is. Judy has a strong voice and always speaks up for herself. I like that."
For Megan McDonald, being able to speak up for herself wasn't always easy. She grew up in a house full of books, as the youngest of five sisters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her father, an ironworker, was known to his coworkers as "Little Johnny the Storyteller." Every evening, the McDonalds gathered around the large, round dinner table to talk and tell stories, but Megan McDonald was barely able to get a word in edgewise. "I'm told I began to stutter," she says, leading her mother to give her a copy of Harriet the Spy and a small spiral notebook, so she could begin writing things down á la the young reporter Harriet.
To date, Megan McDonald has penned more than sixty books for children and young readers, including the critically acclaimed Judy Moody series. These hilarious books have won numerous awards, ranging from a Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year and an International Reading Association Children's Choice to the first-ever Beverly Cleary Children's Choice Award. "Judy has taken on a life of her own," the author notes, with millions of Judy Moody books in print worldwide. The feisty third-grader is highly popular with boys and girls, making for an enthusiastic base of fans who are among Megan McDonald's strongest incentives to keep writing the adventures of Judy Moody and her little brother, Stink, along with a bottomless well of ideas inspired by growing up with four older sisters.
And—by popular demand—Judy Moody's little brother, Stink, gets his chance to shine in his own adventures! Megan McDonald says, "Once, while I was visiting a class full of Judy Moody readers, the kids, many with spiked hair à la Judy's little brother, chanted, 'Stink! Stink! Stink! Stink! Stink!' as I entered the room. In that moment, I knew that Stink had to have a book all his own." Now, giant jawbreakers, smelly sneakers, stinky corpse flowers, and 101 runaway guinea pigs join Mouse, Jaws, Toady, mood rings, an ABC gum collection, and operating on a zucchini in the everyday antics of Judy Moody's world.
Megan McDonald has recalled some of her own childhood by writing about the warmth, humor—and squabbles—of three spunky sisters in the Sisters Club trilogy, wrapping up with Cloudy With a Chance of Boys. Megan McDonald lives and writes in northern California. - name: Megan McDonald
- role: Illustrator
- fileAs: Reynolds, Peter H.
- name: Peter H. Reynolds
- publishDate
- 2014-08-05T00:00:00Z
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- True
- title
- Judy Moody, Mood Martian
- fullDescription
It's Backwards Day, so Judy Moody double-dares herself to become Queen of the Good Mood for one whole week. Can she do it?
Will the real Judy Moody please stand up? In honor of Backwards Day, Judy Moody decides to turn that frown upside down, make lemonade out of lemons, and be nice to stinky little brothers. In fact, Judy becomes a NOT moody, cool-as-a-cucumber neat freak for one whole entire day. But when her combed hair, matching outfits, and good moods hang around for days after, her friends begin to worry. Could this smiley Judy be an imposter?- seriesId
- 517493
- gradeLevels
- value: Grade 50
- value: Grade 1
- value: Grade 2
- popularity
- 1180
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- languages
- code: en
- name: English
- subjects
- value: Juvenile Fiction
- value: Juvenile Literature
- publishDateText
- 08/05/2014
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- type: ISBN
- value: 9780763666989
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- eBook
- shortDescription
It's Backwards Day, so Judy Moody double-dares herself to become Queen of the Good Mood for one whole week. Can she do it?
Will the real Judy Moody please stand up? In honor of Backwards Day, Judy Moody decides to turn that frown upside down, make lemonade out of lemons, and be nice to stinky little brothers. In fact, Judy becomes a NOT moody, cool-as-a-cucumber neat freak for one whole entire day. But when her combed hair, matching outfits, and good moods hang around for days after, her friends begin to worry. Could this smiley Judy be an imposter?- sortTitle
- Judy Moody Mood Martian
- lexileScore
- 510
- crossRefId
- 1695929
- classifications
- series
- Judy Moody
- publisher
- Candlewick Press
- atos
- 3.6
- bisacCodes
- code: JUV019000
- description: Juvenile Fiction / Humorous Stories
- code: JUV039050
- description: Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes / Emotions & Feelings
- code: JUV039140
- description: Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes / Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
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