Ursula Blanchard mysteries

Buckley, Fiona
Showing 1 - 23 of 23
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Star rating for To shield the Queen
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
5 stars
Rumor has linked Queen Elizabeth I to her Master of Horse, Robin Dudley. And what rumors, at that: but for his ailing wife, Amy, Dudley would wed her majesty, the gossipmongers are whispering. To quell idle tongues, Elizabeth dispatches Ursula Blanchard to tend to the sick woman's needs. But not even Ursula can prevent the "accident" that takes Amy's life. Did she fall or was she pushed? Was Ursula a pawn of Dudley and the Queen?
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Star rating for The doublet affair
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
4 stars
Ursula knows it can be treacherous easing herself into the petty foibles at court, but now, having once saved the Virgin Queen from political disaster, she faces an even greater challenge. Some of Ursula's old acquaintances may be plotting to overthrow Elizabeth in favor of Mary, Queen of Scots, and the re-establishment of the Catholic faith. Ardent, some would say fanatical, believers will stop at nothing--smuggling, counterfeiting, civil war, perhaps...
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Star rating for Queen's ransom
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
4 stars
Eager for a respite from her role as handmaiden to Queen Elizabeth I, Ursula Blanchard agrees to travel to France to help her first husband's father bring his young ward home to England. But duty soon calls. Fearing that the pro-Catholic forces threatening to tear France asunder will spread to Protestant England, the Queen instructs Ursula to deliver a secret letter personally to Catherine de Medicis, offering to mediate the crisis. Not only will...
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Star rating for To ruin a queen
Series Volume:

5.  Queen of ambition: an Ursula Blanchard mystery at Queen Elizabeth I's court

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Series Volume:

6.  A pawn for a queen: an Ursula Blanchard mystery at Queen Elizabeth I's court

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Series Volume:
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Star rating for The fugitive queen
Series Volume:
In 1568 Ursula Blanchard is recalled to the service of her half-sister Queen Elizabeth. She is to remove Penelope Mason, her inappropriately flirtatious protege, from court & find the disgraced girl a husband. She is also to deliver a secret warning to Elizabeth's arch-rival, Mary, Queen of Scots. Gradually, Ursula comes to understand the true delicacy & danger of this mission. Mary is a fugitive queen & a "guest" in northern England's daunting Bolton...
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Star rating for The siren queen
Series Volume:

9.  Queen without a crown

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Series Volume:
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Star rating for Queen's bounty
Series Volume:
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Star rating for A rescue for a queen
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
3 stars
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Star rating for A traitor's tears
Series Volume:
July, 1573. Recently widowed, Ursula Blanchard is living a quiet life on her Surrey estate, caring for her infant son. But her peaceful existence is shattered when Ursula's neighbour Jane Cobbold is found dead in her own flowerbed, stabbed through the heart with a silver dagger - and Ursula's manservant Brockley is arrested for the crime. Determined to prove Brockley's innocence, Ursula seeks help from her old mentor Lord Burghley. But when a second...
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Star rating for A Perilous Alliance
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
4 stars
January, 1576. Widow Ursula Blanchard is in no position to refuse when Sir Francis Walsingham decides she must wed Count Gilbert Renard in order to build a strategic alliance with the French. Soon after the count arrives at her country home to pay court, one of Ursula's household staff is found dead. An accident - or something more sinister?
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Star rating for The heretic's creed
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
4 stars
"February, 1577. Sir William Cecil has a dangerous new mission for Ursula Blanchard. He has asked her to visit Stonemoor House on the bleak Yorkshire moors, the home of a group of recusant women led by Abbess Philippa Gould. In their possession is an ancient book, and the Queen's advisor, Dr. John Dee, is eager to get hold of it. However, while the Abbess is anxious to sell the book, others such as her half-sister Bella believe it to be heretical...
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Star rating for A deadly betrothal
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
3 stars
"July, 1579. Called upon to help a family friend who is horrified at the return of her errant husband after an absence of thirty years, little does Ursula realize that her involvement in the Harrison family's domestic dramas will lead to a case of cold-blooded murder. Matters become even more complicated when Ursula is summoned to court to assist in negotiations for Queen Elizabeth's possible engagement to the Duke of Alencon. The proposed marriage...
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Star rating for The reluctant assassin
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
4.5 stars
"March, 1581. Queen Elizabeth is once again being urged to consider marriage to the Duke of Alenc̦on, a French Catholic twenty years her junior. The prospect of the match is causing unrest throughout the kingdom. Ursula however has more immediate matters to worry about when her 9-year-old son is snatched away while out riding. If she is ever to see him again, Ursula must undertake an impossibly difficult and dangerous mission - and commit an act...
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Star rating for A web of silk
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
3 stars
"August, 1582. The queen's spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham, has ordered Ursula to keep an eye on her new neighbor, Giles Frost, who is rumoured to be spying for King Philip of Spain. Arriving at Knoll House on the pretext of teaching his two daughters embroidery, Ursula's secret mission is to feed false information to Frost to pass on to the Spanish. Walsingham has assured Ursula that she'll be in no danger. But events take a decidedly sinister...
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Star rating for The scent of danger
Series Volume:
"When the queen's spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham, learns that Ursula is to visit her relatives in Devon, he asks her to find out what has happened to two of his local agents, who have been strangely silent recently. On arrival in the small Devon village of Zeal Aquatico, Ursula discovers that both spies in question have met with mysterious--and fatal--accidents. Or is there more to it than that? What did the two spies find out that got them killed?...
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Star rating for Forest of secrets
Series Volume:
"May, 1586. Ursula and her retinue return home from a lengthy trip to discover she has an unexpected visitor. Etheldreda Hope is a simple countrywoman who has come to Ursula with disturbing tales of strange goings-on in her rural village. Fearing that Etheldreda's reports of mysterious forest rites indicate a possible conspiracy to overthrow Queen Elizabeth in favour of her cousin, Mary Stuart, the queen's spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham, orders...
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Star rating for Shadow of Spain
Series Volume:
"As King Philip of Spain prepares to invade England, Ursula heads to Brussels on a desperate mission ... March, 1588. With England in a state of high alert as King Philip of Spain amasses a vast fleet of warships ready to invade, Queen Elizabeth and her advisors seek a possible alliance with the Duke of Parma, Governor of the Netherlands. But their plans suffer a major setback when one of their most reliable spies is found murdered in the Hertfordshire...
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Star rating for Golden cargoes
Series Volume:
The queen's half-sister, Ursula Stannard, returns to solve another Tudor mystery in this page-turning tale of suspicious riches, murder and hidden treasures - can she find the golden cargoes?--
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Star rating for The net of steel
Series Volume:
April, 1590. Ursula Stannard, the queen's half-sister and occasional secret agent, has just left Sir Francis Walsingham's funeral when she is summoned back to her childhood home, Faldene House, by her aunt. Uncle Herbert has died suddenly from natural causes, but Ursula's arrival in the Sussex Downs triggers a shocking sequence of death and devastation. Through her service to the queen, Ursula has made dangerous enemies. The formidable Mercer brothers...
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Star rating for To seize a queen
Series Volume:
"1594. Ursula Stannard is attending on her half-sister, Queen Elizabeth, when she receives an urgent summons from Sir Robert Cecil. Cornishman Master Roskilly was fished out of the sea by Sir Francis Godolphin, and has a shocking tale of being snatched by pirates and put on a slave vessel to Constantinople before his audacious escape. And he's not the only one... Folk in Cornwall are mysteriously disappearing. But why are only exceptional or unusual...