Interworld novels

Gaiman, Neil
Showing 1 - 3 of 3
Book cover for "Interworld".
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4.7 stars
At nearly fifteen years of age, Joey Harker learns that he is a Walker, able to travel between dimensions, and soon joins a team of different versions of himself, each from another dimension, to fight the evil forces striving to conquer all the worlds.
Book cover for "The silver dream".
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4 stars
After mastering the ability to walk between dimensions, sixteen-year-old Joey Harker and his fellow InterWorld freedom fighters embark on a mission to maintain peace between the rival powers of magic and science who seek to control all worlds.
Book cover for "Eternity's wheel".
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5 stars
It has been two years since Joseph Harker first Walked between dimensions, met the alternate forms of himself, and formed a team to protect the Altiverse in the struggle between the vicious forces of magic and science--and now, injured, he has returned tohis own dimension, bringing danger with him.