Dez Limerick novels

Byrne, James, 1977
Byrne, James (Suspense fiction writer
Showing 1 - 3 of 3
Book cover for "The gatekeeper".
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5 stars
"Desmond Aloysius Limerick ('Dez' to all) is a retired mercenary and enthusiastic amateur musician, currently in Southern California, enjoying the sun and sitting in on the occasional gig, when the hotel he's at falls under attack. A skilled team attempts to kidnap the chief legal counsel of Triton Expeditors, a major military contractor--in fact, Petra Alexandris is the daughter of the CEO--but their meticulously-planned, seamlessly executed scheme...
Book cover for "Deadlock".
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Average Rating:
4.5 stars
"Desmond Aloysius Limerick ("Dez" to his friends and close personal enemies) is a man with a shadowy past, certain useful hard-won skills, and, if one digs deep enough, a reputation as a good man to have at your back. Now retired from his previous life, Dez is just a bloke with a winning smile, a bass guitar, and bullet wounds that paint a road map of past lives. Jaleh Swann, a business journalist hot on the trail of an auditor who was mugged and...
Book cover for "Chain reaction".
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Series Volume:
"Desmond Aloysius Limerick ("Dez" to his friends and close personal enemies) is a man with a shadowy past, certain useful hard-won skills, and, if one digs deep enough, a reputation as a good man to have at your back. Now retired from his previous life, Dez still tries to keep his skills up to date. Knocking around the country, picking up the occasional gig as a guitarist, Dez is contacted by a friend in urgent need of his musical skills. At his behest,...